Hi! I’m
Marco Meyer
I write about movement related topics, like…
- how to learn new skills, i.e. a handstand, a handstand push-up, a ring muscle-up
- how to increase your strength and mobility
- how to manage pain
This blog is the English version of my German blog KraftImpuls.com (yes, I’m German). Over 100,000 people read my material to learn how to move and improve their body so they can do the activities that are important to them.
For you that could mean better posture, getting rid of back pain, increasing your mobility, or building a strong body that won’t crumble when you’re 90.
↓ Try My Free 5-Minute Full-Body Warm Up Routine ↓
I take a different approach than most “experts” out there
I don’t believe a six-pack means being fit or healthy. It just means low body fat. Nice to have, nothing more.
I believe fit means having a body that enables you to do the things you want to do. That can be hobbies, sports or just playing with your kids on the playground.
Most fitness experts get really good at basic movements like the bench press and never move beyond that. A bench press is cool. But once you’re strong at it, it’s time to move on. Don’t get stuck. Life has more to offer.
I know you have a lot of choices in who you read, so I know I have to earn your trust with every post I make. If you’re curious, here’s a little bit about me.
My background is martial arts. I have been doing it for over 20 years (mainly Judo, Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). I currently practice BJJ under Tahi Burns at PKG in Los Angeles and I’m a student of Ido Portal‘s online educational material.

I also ran track and field, played football and soccer and to this day I skateboard every now and then. All in all I love activities that require me to move my body. But there is one thing that I regret.

I started weightlifting … unfortunately
I thought I was weak because I wasn’t as big as my friends, so I started weightlifting – and it was a mistake. Don’t get me wrong. Weight lifting is good, but when you’re 18 and all you care about is a big chest and big arms, it’s not.
At first my workout revolved around bench pressing and bicep curls. It didn’t take long until I started having problems with my shoulders. Then my lower back. I adjusted my workout to get rid of these problems, but I had no idea what I was doing. It got worse.

Seven doctors couldn’t help me. All they said was “Lumbago” and then they prescribed the typical: Painkillers, physical therapy, and rest. It took me years until I finally got rid of my back pain (but that’s another story).
It was during that time when I decided to learn how the human body works.
The first book that I read on that topic was from Mark Verstegen. That was in 2006 when the soccer worldcup was held in Germany. The newspaper said that Mark’s fitness program contributed to Germany placing third. I immediately purchased his book “Core Performance” and started training inside the hospital.
I wanted to be better, but I wasn’t sure in what and why. I played American Football and did Judo and Wrestling. It was important to me to get better at these sports. But I also wanted to get better at Skateboarding and I wanted to learn and improve gymnastic skills like the handstand. At the same time I wanted to stop having all these annoying injuries.
My book collection started growing and my focus shifted from “looking good” to “moving good”. I realized that movements win the game, not your looks. Looks are a result of that, not the other way around.
Most people try to reverse engineer. They built muscles and think that they are athletes now. Or worse: They think they are a fighter because they look like one. You know, the ones you see in the movies: Big arms, six pack and tattoos. But that’s just looks.
This blog is not about looks. It’s not about quick weight loss or six-packs. It’s about movement.
Depending on your situation you need to address certain subjects to improve your movement. This can be strength, mobility, awareness, motor control or something deeper like fear. And this is what I write about.
I’ve been testing and sharing my findings with the world via my German website KraftImpuls.com since 2015.
I’ve also changed careers and started working as a Personal Trainer at Equinox where I constantly improve my methods and learn from an amazing community that surrounds me.
My articles have been shared several thousand times and I have landed a few guest posts on famous German websites like huffingtonpost.de, marathonfitness.de and markuscerenak.com.
And over 100 people per day are currently doing the movement routine below to maintain or improve their mobility, stability, and body control. Give it a try!
Start with the Budo-Routine
I do this full-body-routine with most of my clients. For some it’s a warm up for others it is a little workout. It depends how advanced you are. You can use it as a…
- morning routine to get your day started
- warm-up before your training
- cool down after strength training
- quick “workout” when you have little time (e.g. when traveling)

The Budo-Routine consists of 6 movement patterns that you can finish in under 5 minutes.
You will get access to 7 videos. One video shows the whole routine and the other 6 explain each movement pattern. Do this for 30 days straight and see what it can do for you.
Get access below and start with the 5-minute Budo-Routine to maintain or improve your mobility, stability, and body control.